Command line interface

PoseBusters provides the command bust for checking generated molecules and optionally taking a conditioning protein or ligands into account.

Use bust to check a series of molecules within one .sdf file.

>>> bust generated_molecules.sdf --outfmt long
Long summary for generated_molecules.sdf molecule_1
MOL_PRED loaded         .   
Sanitization            .   
All atoms connected     .   
Bond lengths            Fail
Bond angles             Fail
Internal steric clash   .   
Aromatic ring flatness  .   
Double bond flatness    .   
Internal energy         .   
Long summary for generated_molecules.sdf molecule_2
MOL_PRED loaded         .   
Sanitization            .   
All atoms connected     .   
Bond lengths            .   
Bond angles             .   
Internal steric clash   .   
Aromatic ring flatness  .   
Double bond flatness    .   
Internal energy         .   
Long summary for generated_molecules.sdf molecule_3

Check a docked ligand or generated molecule conditioned on a protein.

>>> bust generated_ligands.sdf -p protein.pdb --outfmt long
Long summary for generated_ligands.sdf conformation_1
MOL_PRED loaded                          .   
MOL_COND loaded                          .   
Sanitization                             .   
All atoms connected                      .   
Bond lengths                             .   
Bond angles                              .   
Internal steric clash                    .   
Aromatic ring flatness                   .   
Double bond flatness                     .   
Internal energy                          .   
Protein-ligand maximum distance          .   
Minimum distance to protein              .   
Minimum distance to organic cofactors    .   
Minimum distance to inorganic cofactors  .   
Minimum distance to waters               .   
Volume overlap with protein              .   
Volume overlap with organic cofactors    .   
Volume overlap with inorganic cofactors  .   
Volume overlap with waters               .   
Long summary for generated_ligands.sdf conformation_2

Check a series of re-docked ligands against the crystal ligand and protein.

>>> bust redocked_ligand.sdf -l crystal_ligand.sdf -p protein.pdb --outfmt long
Long summary for redocked_ligand.sdf redocked_ligand
MOL_PRED loaded                          .   
MOL_TRUE loaded                          .   
MOL_COND loaded                          .   
Sanitization                             .   
All atoms connected                      .   
Molecular formula                        .   
Molecular bonds                          .   
Double bond stereochemistry              .   
Tetrahedral chirality                    .   
Bond lengths                             .   
Bond angles                              .   
Internal steric clash                    .   
Aromatic ring flatness                   .   
Double bond flatness                     .   
Internal energy                          .   
Protein-ligand maximum distance          .   
Minimum distance to protein              .   
Minimum distance to organic cofactors    .   
Minimum distance to inorganic cofactors  .   
Minimum distance to waters               .   

Use the -t option to bulk check multiple sets of files.

>>> bust -t molecule_table.csv --outfmt long
Long summary for 1ia1/1ia1_ligand.sdf TQ3
MOL_PRED loaded                          .   
MOL_TRUE loaded                          .   
MOL_COND loaded                          .   
Sanitization                             .   
All atoms connected                      .   
Molecular formula                        .   
Molecular bonds                          .   
Double bond stereochemistry              .   
Tetrahedral chirality                    .   
Bond lengths                             .   
Bond angles                              .   
Internal steric clash                    .   
Aromatic ring flatness                   .   
Double bond flatness                     .   
Internal energy                          .   
Protein-ligand maximum distance          .   
Minimum distance to protein              .   
Minimum distance to organic cofactors    .   
Minimum distance to inorganic cofactors  .   
Minimum distance to waters               .   

Output format options

The short format is the default output format.

>>> bust generated_molecules.sdf --outfmt short
generated_molecules.sdf molecule_1  passes (7 / 9)
generated_molecules.sdf molecule_2  passes (9 / 9)
generated_molecules.sdf molecule_3  passes (9 / 9)

The long format lists each test result for each molecule/conformation.

>>> bust generated_molecules.sdf --outfmt long
Long summary for generated_molecules.sdf molecule_1
MOL_PRED loaded         .   
Sanitization            .   
All atoms connected     .   
Bond lengths            Fail
Bond angles             Fail
Internal steric clash   .   
Aromatic ring flatness  .   
Double bond flatness    .   
Internal energy         .   
Long summary for generated_molecules.sdf molecule_2
MOL_PRED loaded         .   
Sanitization            .   
All atoms connected     .   
Bond lengths            .   
Bond angles             .   
Internal steric clash   .   
Aromatic ring flatness  .   
Double bond flatness    .   
Internal energy         .   
Long summary for generated_molecules.sdf molecule_3

For copying and saving the output use the csv option.

>>> bust generated_molecules.sdf --outfmt csv

For the csv and long option, the --full-report option can be used to show extra information beyond the pass/fail status of each test.

>>> bust generated_molecules.sdf --outfmt csv --full-report

Saving the output

The --out option can be used to save the output to a file:

bust generated_molecules.sdf --outfmt csv --out results.csv


Running with the --help option prints information about the command line options.

>>> bust --help
usage: bust [-l MOL_TRUE] [-p MOL_COND] [-t TABLE] [--outfmt {short,long,csv}]
            [--output OUTPUT] [--full-report] [--no-header] [--config CONFIG]
            [--top-n TOP_N] [-v] [-h]
            [mol_pred [mol_pred ...]]

PoseBusters: Plausibility checks for generated molecule poses.

  mol_pred              molecule(s) to check
  -l MOL_TRUE           true molecule, e.g. crystal ligand
  -p MOL_COND           conditioning molecule, e.g. protein
  -t TABLE              run multiple inputs listed in a .csv file

  --outfmt {short,long,csv}
                        output format
  --output OUTPUT       output file (default: stdout)
  --full-report         print details for each test
  --no-header           print output without header

  --config CONFIG       configuration file
  --top-n TOP_N         run on TOP_N results in MOL_PRED only (default: all)

  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>>> bust --version
bust 0.2.5